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Creating Connections Across South Dunedin

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What we do

Connected by our strengths, we use the creative opportunity of our differences to address the challenges of our location and create a future for all who call the South Dunedin suburbs home

who we are

The South Dunedin Community Network connects people across the wider South Dunedin area to strengthen communities and help people use their voice to create a vibrant, resilient community and a safe future together.

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community rooms

Our Community Rooms are a place for individuals, families, community groups, services, and decision makers to come together and work with each other.

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The network runs and takes part in a number of community events in our community and can host any group/class or event in our community rooms on King Edward Street.

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lowdown mockup

The Lowdown

The Lowdown

The first issue of the Lowdown was in March 2017. The editor, Steve King, began putting it together because he felt that it could be a vehicle that might help inform people about the good things that were taking place in South Dunedin, and to encourage people to value living here. He wanted to provide a platform for people to learn what steps city authorities were taking to avoid a repeat of the flood in 2015, a bit like a general community notice board.

More about the Lowdown

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