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Key Events

NZSL Community Hui Nov 2022

Community Hui (usually February and August)

The Network regularly holds Community Conversations, such as our Community Hui (twice a year), with the outcomes guiding the Network‘s planning and future work. Our Hui are an important way for anyone from the South Dunedin community to hear updates about key Council and other large projects of work in the area, and to share ideas and opinions on what is important in our community.

Every Hui has a specific theme that we speak to, and of course there is plenty of kai for everyone to share and time to connect as a community. The Network uses information we gather from the Hui and other community conversations to ensure the community has a strong voice in key projects and change happening in the South Dunedin area, such as the work around groundwater flooding, changes in public transport, building the new Community and Library complex, and the efforts to protect our shoreline.

street fest 2021 web

South Dunedin Street Festival

NEXT FESTIVAL: 10am – 3pm, Saturday 1 April 2023, King Edward St

The Dunedin Street Festival on King Edward Street has become a key part of the Dunedin events calendar. With a focus more on participating in fun and free activities rather than having a focus as a market day. The street festival provides a fun day for everyone in the family, that is accessible to everyone in our community.

If you are interested in being part of the organising team for this event please get in touch with Robyn

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South Dunedin Teddy Bear Emergency Day

Developing from the Teddy Bears’ Hospital events, we held out first Teddy Bear Emergency Day this year – these Teddy Bear events are always really popular with families. Along with the Network, this event was ogranised by New Zealand Red Cross, Caversham Community Group and Carisbrook School, and supported by Civil Defence Emergency Management, Fire Emergency New Zealand, students from Otago Polytechnic courses in Health and Wellbeing, Sport, Exercise and Health, and Nursing, physiotherapy students from the University of Otago, Read Share Grow and Dream South D – a real community event! This is a great day and also a wonderful way to create a positive experience with from what could be a scary experience for our tamariki!